Records Request


City of Sebastopol Public Records

The City of Sebastopol is responsive to the public’s need for information about the city and the business of city government. It is the goal of the City to provide services in a transparent manner, which includes timely access to requested records. Most importantly the City of Sebastopol understands and supports the public’s right to access the majority of the records created and maintained by the City during the course of normal business. City staff will assist in identifying responsive records by, as appropriate, describing relevant City records. The City has ten (10) days to respond to any request for public records; however, all requests will be filled as soon as possible. Should unusual circumstances exist, as provided in California Government Code Section 6253.9(c), the City may extend the time for a response by an additional fourteen (14) days. If an extension is warranted, the requestor will be notified.
