Mayor & Council

Your Elected Officials Working for You

Sebastopol is the only city in Sonoma County west of the Highway 101 corridor. We’re a very special city not only because of our favored location close to the Pacific coastline, but also because we enjoy the active participation of citizens interested in improving our excellent quality of life.

This website is intended to help you understand how to engage with policy makers and city staff so that your interests to improve our city will be considered and your efforts more effective. Please return to this website often as we plan to have regular updates and new features.

Sebastopol is governed under the Council – Manager system. The City Council has five members, each elected to a four-year term. Terms are staggered.

Click on individual council members for their contact information. Email all council members at once at:

Stephen Zollman



As an Army Veteran and a former San Francisco Juvenile Public Defender, Stephen continues to provide representation and advocacy to secure mental health resources for youth facing complex mental health traumas, especially those who are low income, BIPOC, Queer and differently abled. He has ongoing meetings with our Analy High School Principal and others within our county educational system.

He currently serves as co-chair of our county’s childcare planning council and on our county’s Nurse Family Partnership Advisory Board. He also serves as a council appointee to various regional and county bodies and as a liaison to many of our nonprofits. As a past library commissioner, he continues to serve in various roles that look to explore ways to increase library services.

Additional volunteer work includes serving as a small claims court judge pro tem and as a volunteer at our local Humane Society. None of this would be possible without the love and support of his partner, Jim, and their rescue cat, Ben.

Pronouns: He/Him

Committee Assignments


  • Agenda Review Committee
  • Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) (Voting Delegate)
  • Council Liaison to Homeless Service Organizations
  • Council Liaison to West County Museum
  • Current City Council Policy for Council Protocols
  • Homeless Coalition Board Elections
  • League of CA Cities/CAL Cities (Voting Delegate)
  • Library Advisory Board for Sebastopol Regional Branch
  • Mayors and Councilmembers Association Board and City Selection Committee
  • Non-Profit Collaboratives
  • Redwood Empire Municipal Insurance Fund (REMIF)/California Intergovernmental Risk Agency CIRA
  • SAFE
  • Sebastopol Senior Center
  • Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) Authority Board of Directors
  • Ad Hoc EIFD Committee
  • Ad Hoc Sebastopol Library Staffing and Facilities
  • Ad Hoc Sebastopol Cultural Community Center (SCCC) Building Assessment


  • Legislative Committee
  • Regional Climate Protection Agency (RCPA)
  • Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA)

Term Expires: December 2026

Jill McLewis

Vice Mayor
(707) 340-3727

Jill has an abundance of leadership experience in the Bay Area. With a passion for giving back to the community, Jill served as executive director and board chair for multiple nonprofits and community boards over the years. In these roles, she’s worked in collaboration with both state and local governments to secure maximum funding through grants and annual budgeting initiatives.

Jill holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Information Systems in addition to the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. Using her prior experience in real estate and medical device sales, project management, and information systems implementations, Jill has had great success developing strategic operational and financial plans for organizations. Prior to relocating to Sonoma County, Jill worked in healthcare as a clinician and eventually transitioned into working for a Medical Device startup.

Jill also holds a Baking and Pastry Management degree and is co-owner of a chocolate shop in Sebastopol. As a local realtor and member of the business community she served on the board for the Sebastopol Downtown Association.

Committee Assignments


  • Agenda Review Committee
  • Current City Council Policy for Council Protocols
  • Legislative Committee
  • Sebastopol Area Chamber of Commerce/Sebastopol Downtown Association
  • Sebastopol Community Cultural Center
  • Sebastopol World Friends
  • Ad Hoc Fire Services Committee
  • Ad Hoc Sebastopol Cultural Community Center (SCCC) Building Assessment
  • Ad Hoc Solid Waste Collection Agreement


  • Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) (Voting Delegate)
  • Council Liaison to Homeless Service Organizations
  • Gravenstein Health Action Coalition/Meet Your Neighborhood (MYN and SNCU now under Gravenstein Health Action)
  • GSA Board/Santa Rosa Plain GSA Basin
  • Homeless Coalition Board Elections
  • League of CA Cities/CAL Cities (Voting Delegate
  • Mayors and Councilmembers Association Board and City Selection Committee (1st Alternate)
  • Russian River Watershed Association Board of Directors

Term Expires: December 2026

Phill Carter



Phill Carter is a former business owner and consultant for social enterprises, an independent business consultant, and the founder of a nonprofit open-source database of environmental projects and organizations. He holds an MBA in Finance and Marketing.

Full bio to come.

Committee Assignments


  • Budget Committee
  • Climate Action Committee (At-Large)
  • Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District
  • Zero Waste Sonoma Board


  • Library Advisory Board for Sebastopol Regional Branch
  • Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) Authority Board of Directors

Term Expires: December 2028

Neysa Hinton

(707) 890-1753

Neysa Hinton is a fourth-generation Sonoma County resident. Born in Petaluma, Neysa grew up in Sebastopol. After graduation, Neysa attended college in Idaho and pursued a career in radio that would span 25 years. She moved back to Sebastopol in 1997, got married, and started a family. Her two grown children, Jordan and Jered, are Sebastopol natives who currently live in Sonoma County.

In 2012, Neysa made the decision to pursue a career in service and became a licensed administrator. She has served as the Executive Director and licensed Administrator for two locally owned Marin County Assisted Living facilities in San Anselmo and San Rafael. The work is both challenging and gratifying and has given Neysa the opportunity to serve our seniors. On any given day, you could find Neysa engaged with staff, residents, and their families, to address a diverse array of needs and help to facilitate happy, fulfilling lives. As a front-line worker, Neysa works tirelessly to serve the residents and staff in the ever changing fast-paced world of healthcare.

Neysa has always had a passion to serve her community. Over the course of her life in West County, Neysa has devoted countless hours volunteering on projects that have benefitted Sebastopol and people who live there.

Neysa’s past projects include helping launch Sebastopol’s Farm Market and serving as its first chairperson. In 1990 Neysa was one of the first women invited to join the Sebastopol Rotary Club. For 21 years she aspired to embody the Rotary Club’s “Service Above Self” motto, participating on various committees that include, “Learn to Swim,” “Read to Me,” Community Grants, Student Exchange, and fundraising events like the popular Lobster Boil and Cajun Festival.

One of Neysa’s most rewarding volunteer experiences came in 2007 when she was selected to lead a team of young professionals on a group exchange focused on health services and education in Guanajuato, Mexico. Living with local families to improve community services strengthened her faith in the ability of ordinary citizens to work together to create positive change.

Neysa is currently serving as a Sebastopol Councilmember through 2024. Neysa previously served as mayor in 2019 & 2023, as vice mayor in 2018 & 2022, and was elected to Sebastopol City Council in 2016.

Neysa is a Fellow of the Leadership Institute For Just and Resilient Communities, Class of 2022.

Neysa currently represents Sebastopol as a Director on the Board of Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) and the Regional Climate Protection Authority (RCPA). The SCTA acts as the countywide planning and fund programming agency for transportation. RCPA is committed to work on countywide climate protection efforts. Neysa also represents Sebastopol as a Director on the Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) which was formed in 2017 to manage groundwater in the Santa Rosa Plain groundwater basin. Neysa is also the Primary Member representing Sebastopol on the Board of Directors to California Intergovernmental Risk Authority (CIRA). Locally in 2024, Neysa serves as the alternate to both the Sebastopol Senior Center and the Sebastopol World Friends, as well as a joint member on the Sebastopol Fire Ad Hoc committee. She also serves as 5th District Supervisor, Lynda Hopkins’ appointee as a Director on the Sonoma County Fair Board.

Previously, Neysa has served on the Budget Subcommittee, CalPERS, Park Village, and the Staffing Assessment Subcommittee. She represented Sebastopol on the Russian River Watershed Association and the Mayors and Councilmembers Association of Sonoma County Legislative Committee. Additionally, Neysa was appointed to the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District Advisory Committee from 2017-2022, by the Mayor and Council Members Association.

Committee Assignments


  • GSA Board/Santa Rosa Plain GSA Basin
  • Regional Climate Protection Agency (RCPA)
  • Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA)
  • Service Organizations
  • Ad Hoc EIFD Ad Hoc Committee
  • Ad Hoc Fire Services Committee


  • Redwood Empire Municipal Insurance Fund (REMIF)/California Intergovernmental Risk Agency CIRA
  • Sebastopol Senior Center
  • Sebastopol World Friends

Term Expires: December 2028

Sandra Maurer



Councilmember Sandra Maurer has lived in Sebastopol for 37 years. She is the former founding director of the EMF Safety Network. She has been engaged with the Sebastopol City Council since 2007. She helped create public policy on reducing EMFs (electromagnetic fields and wireless radiation) in Sebastopol and beyond. Sandra worked at the California Public Utilities Commission with a legal team and helped obtain a smart meter opt-out for all Investor Owned Utility customers in California. She established two art businesses, one with national distribution. She obtained a $60K grant and contributed to several local projects including the downtown coyote mural, Plaza Occupy bench, Toolbox Project, Pomo Project, Land Paths, Shoes for Kidz, Farm to Pantry, and more. Sandra coordinated and worked on Walk and Roll to School projects whose efforts helped create infrastructure improvements and a Class 1 bike trail for children’s safety. Her activism and experience has given her the tools to best serve the community.

Sandra has a BA in Art from Sonoma State University, is married, a mother, grandmother, artist, gardener, and she loves Sebastopol!

Committee Assignments


  • Budget Committee
  • Climate Action Committee (ZWS)
  • Laguna Stakeholders Committee
  • Russian River Watershed Association Board of Directors
  • Sebastopol Center for the Arts
  • Ad Hoc Solid Waste Collection Agreement


  • Sebastopol Community Cultural Center
  • Service Organizations
  • Zero Waste Sonoma Board

Term Expires: December 2026

Mayors’ and Councilmembers’ Association of Sonoma County

Mayors’ and Councilmembers’ Association

The City of Sebastopol is a member of the Mayors’ and Councilmembers’ Association of Sonoma County. The Mayors’ and Councilmembers’ Association meets on a bi-monthly basis to connect and plan for the future on matters that affect the cities in Sonoma County. The Chair City rotates on an annual basis.

Agenda will be posted on the Chair City’s website. Currently, the rotation is as follows:

City of Healdsburg – 2023
City of Petaluma – 2024
City of Rohnert Park – 2025
City of Santa Rosa – 2026
City of Sebastopol – 2027
City of Sonoma – 2028
Town of Windsor – 2029

City Council Priorities

City Council Priorities

Based on community feedback, the Sebastopol City Council has identified the following items as current priorities for the City of Sebastopol as of November 2024.

  • Affordable Rental Housing Monitoring
  • Employee Negotiations 
  • Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD) 
  • Fire Reorganization/Consolidation (Station Assessment, Evaluation of Expanded Coverage Options)
  • Housing Element Implementation (Mandatory Requirements)  
  • Solid Waste Hauler Procurement  
  • Sustainable Transportation Grant 
  • City Council Protocols 
  • Classification and Compensation Study 
  • Community Center Fire Safety 
  • Community Center Master Plan 
  • Emergency Operations Center Assessment 
  • Review Staff Support for Climate Action Committee
  • Review Staff Support for Public Arts Commission 
  • Consider consolidating Planning Commission and Design Review Board
  • Budget Tracking
  • Review of Departments’ budgets, especially Public Works and Engineering
  • Water System Master Plan 
  • Homelessness 


The City Council Members are elected officers identified in Government Code Section 87200 and file statements of economic interests with the City Clerk’s office. Copies of the statements of economic interests filed by the elected officers may be obtained by visiting the offices of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) or the City Clerk’s Office.

Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)

428 J Street, Suite 620 Sacramento, California 95814

November 2018

No Meeting Found!
