Key Documents

Key Documents City Budgets & Audited Financials
City Budgets

The budget is the primary policy document adopted by the City Council each year in accordance with the City’s financial management policies and guidelines and reflects the City Council’s goals and objectives.

Key Documents City Budgets & Audited Financials
City Indirect Cost Allocation Plan

The budget is the primary policy document adopted by the City Council each year in accordance with the City’s financial management policies and guidelines and reflects the City Council’s goals and objectives.

City Budgets & Audited Financials
City Audits

The City is required by State Law to have its finances audited by an independent auditor each year. The City utilizes those audits to confirm the accuracy and efficacy of its fiscal practices and policies as well as a final check on the past year’s budget.

City Budgets & Audited Financials

Key Documents City Budgets & Audited Financials
City Budgets

The budget is the primary policy document adopted by the City Council each year in accordance with the City’s financial management policies and guidelines and reflects the City Council’s goals and objectives.

Key Documents City Budgets & Audited Financials
City Indirect Cost Allocation Plan

The budget is the primary policy document adopted by the City Council each year in accordance with the City’s financial management policies and guidelines and reflects the City Council’s goals and objectives.

Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan

Climate Action
Sebastopol Climate Action Framework

General Plan
Adopted General Plan

Sebastopol Abridged Water Shortage Contingency Plan (06/06/2023)
