Water & Wastewater
The City owns and operates its own water production and distribution system. Water is produced via a series of wells located throughout the City. The City also owns two reservoir facilities to provide water storage capacity. The City Council has adopted a policy that the City be able to produce two times the water demand. This policy ensures that the City has sufficient redundancy in the event of a facility malfunction or shutdown for maintenance, upgrade or repair.
The City owns and operates its own wastewater collection and conveyance system and contracts with the City of Santa Rosa Subregional Water Reclamation System for wastewater treatment. All of the City’s wastewater is conveyed via pipeline to the City of Santa Rosa Wastewater Treatment Facility on Llano Road.
Click here to learn more about Pollution Prevention from our partner, the City of Santa Rosa.
Report Sanitary Sewer Overflows 24-hour Emergency Hotline – (707) 829-4400.
Backflow Prevention
What is a backflow device?
A backflow preventer is a device that’s installed on your home or business’s water pipes that allows water to flow only in one direction. Its sole job is to prevent hazards from getting back into the City’s water system.
How often must my backflow device be tested?
A certified backflow tester must test your backflow device annually. The annual testing is mandated by the California Code of Regulation, Title 17.
How will I know when it is time to have my backflow device tested?
When it is time for your device to be tested, the City of Sebastopol Public Works Department will mail you a letter as a reminder that your backflow test is due. When you receive the letter, you will have 30 days to have your device tested.
How do I get in touch was a backflow tester?
You can download the tester list here. This list includes testers who provided service to our customers last year. You may use any certified provider – they are not required to appear on this list.
How much do the testers charge for a backflow test?
Currently, the charges range from approximately $50.00 – $150.00 a test. Please contact testers directly to inquire about cost.
BayREN Water Upgrades Save Program
Water Meter Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Opt-out Program
At the City of Sebastopol, we support offering our customers a choice in metering infrastructure. The AMI Opt-Out Program is for residential customers who prefer not to have the data collector/ transmitter installed with their water meter. The program allows customers to have their meter read manually at the end of every month at no additional cost to the customer.
Water Supply Contingency Plan
The Sebastopol Abridged Water Shortage Contingency Plan sets forth regulations and restrictions on the delivery and consumption of water In order to conserve the available water supply and protect the integrity of public water system supply facilities.
Sebastopol Abridged Water Shortage Contingency Plan – June 06, 2023
Sewer System Management Plan
Resolution of the City Council accepting and certifying the City of Sebastopol Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP), Overflow Emergency Response Plan and the Water Quality Monitoring Plan
Sewer System Management Plan September 2020 – Resolution 6311-2020
Sewer Spill Emergency Response Plan
City of Sebastopol Sewer Spill Emergency Response Plan 09-26-2023
Private Sewer Lateral Replacement Grant Program
The City of Sebastopol’s Sewer Lateral Grant Program provides financial assistance to property owners for the replacement of their private sewer lateral, which, due to their age or condition, are often a source of groundwater infiltration and surface water inflow (I&I) to the sewer collection system. Groundwater infiltration and inflow (I&I) to the sewer collection system increase the amount of wastewater processed at the City’s wastewater treatment facility, which increases costs. If eligible, property owners whose property is located in the city limit could receive up to $2,500 for replacement of their private sewer lateral, depending on funding availability at the time of application. For more information or questions, please send email to: citypw@cityofsebastopol.gov with the subject heading “PSL Program.”
Private Sewer Lateral Replacement Grant Program Application and FAQ 12-21-22