
California Penal Code Section 602 and its subsections address a variety of circumstances concerning trespassing. This includes trespassing on lands, whether unenclosed or enclosed by fence, for the purpose of interfering with, obstructing or injuring any lawful business or occupation carried on by the owner of the land, the owner’s agent or the person in lawful possession (602(k) P.C.); or

Refusing or failing to leave land, real property, or structures belonging to or lawfully occupied by another and not open to the public, upon being requested to leave by a peace officer at the request of the owner or owner’s agent, or by the owner or the owner’s agent (602(o) P.C. 

Trespassing violations are a misdemeanor which means the crime must be committed in an officer’s presence in order to arrest, or the affected person must place the person under citizen’s arrest and be willing to cooperate with prosecution.  

For trespass situations following under the above sections, the Sebastopol Police Department has a form that can be completed and filed with us that gives the Sebastopol Police Department authorization to place the violator under arrest at any time on behalf of the owner or agent during a one-year period.  The owner, or agent must get the form notarized, and agree to cooperate with prosecution.  

The form is a separate attachment.  Simply click on it to download it or print it out.  Complete the form along with the notary information and drop it off or mail it to the following address:

Sebastopol Police Department

6850 Laguna Park Way

Sebastopol, CA  95472

Trespass Action Request Letter
