Climate Action Framework
The Climate Action Framework is a tool to guide Sebastopol in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for the impacts of climate change, such as increased drought risk and more frequent wildfires. Adopted by the Sebastopol City Council on July 19, 2022, the Framework provides an overview of Sebastopol’s climate progress so far and sets goals for additional action in six areas:
- Transportation
- Sustainable Land Use
- Buildings & Clean Energy
- Consumption & Waste
- Community
- City Operations and Leadership
Next Steps
The City’s Climate Action Committee is tasked with evaluating and prioritizing additional emission-reduction and preparedness strategies to recommend to the City Council. An initial, living list of actions that the City could take to help meet its climate goals is included in Appendix A of the Climate Action Framework. Community members can get involved in the evaluation of additional actions in the following ways:
- Signing up for the City’s “Climate Issues” email list and following the City’s Facebook account to be notified of future updates.
- Attending Climate Action Committee meetings, which are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 3:30pm.
- Applying for an open seat on the Climate Action Committee or joining a working group to help design and evaluate climate solutions.
- Emailing questions, comments, or suggestions to
Past Events
City Council Meeting, July 19, 2022
The final draft of the Framework was presented to the City Council for consideration of adoption at the July 19th City Council meeting. The City Council unanimously voted to adopt the Framework.
Planning Commission Meeting, July 12, 2022
The public review draft of the Framework was presented during the July 12th Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission unanimously adopted a resolution recommending that the City Council adopt the Framework.
Climate Action Committee Meeting, June 22, 2022
The public review draft of the Framework was presented during the June 22nd Climate Action Committee meeting and included in the agenda packet.
Climate Action Framework Kickoff Community Meeting, February 2, 2022
Thank you to everyone who joined us to learn about the Framework and share their input at the Kickoff Meeting! If you missed it, you can view the recording and materials below.
Recording: Part 1, Part 2
Slides: Slides only, Slides with speaker notes
Jamboards: Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, Group 5
Why did Sebastopol develop a Climate Action Framework?
The City of Sebastopol has set the ambitious and essential goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2030. Doing so will require reducing fossil fuel use to the point where the natural environment can absorb remaining greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, Sebastopol must prepare for climate impacts that the community is already beginning to experience, such as drought, wildfire, flooding, and extreme heat. The Climate Action Framework identifies community priorities and sets goals that will guide climate action across the City.
How was the Framework developed?
The Framework was developed through a community-centered process beginning in Fall 2021. A community engagement strategy guided outreach efforts, which included a virtual kickoff meeting, a resident survey, presentations to community groups, and tabling at Farmers Markets and other community events (Figure 1). For more details on the engagement process, see Framework Appendix C: Summary of Community Engagement Materials.

How can I get involved?
There are many ways to get involved in climate action in Sebastopol, including the following:
- Sign up for the City’s “Climate Issues” email list here and follow the City’s Facebook account to be notified of future updates.
- Attend Climate Action Committee meetings, which are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 3:30pm.
- Apply for an open seat on the Climate Action Committee or join a working group to get more involved in designing and evaluating climate solutions.
- Email questions, comments, or suggestions to
To learn more about climate change and how you can reduce your emissions, see these resources:
- Climate Science 101: Climate scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe explains the basics of climate change.
- NASA Climate Change: NASA’s climate site provides more detailed data documenting climate change.
- CoolClimate Calculator: Calculate your household’s carbon footprint and see which changes could have the greatest impact in reducing your emissions with this online tool from UC Berkeley.
- This website by author Paul Hawken describes solutions to the climate crisis, including actions you can take to contribute.
- Switch is On: Learn about the benefits of switching to electric appliances and find local rebates and incentives to help electrify your house.
Who can I contact for more information about the Climate Action Framework?
If you have any questions or comments, please contact