City News
Sonoma County’s ATP Public Draft is now available for Public Comment until end of November
September 25, 2024, City News

The SCTA is currently working on updating the Countywide Active Transportation Plan. The Plan will be focused on increasing access to active modes of transportation (like walking, biking, or using mobility devices) through planning for infrastructure as well as supportive programs. This work includes updates to local Active Transportation Plans (ATP) in Cloverdale, Cotati, Healdsburg, Rohnert Park, Sebastopol, Sonoma, and the Unincorporated County.
Click the link to view the Sebastopol-specific Active Transportation Plan Draft, Volume II: Sebastopol ATP:
After reviewing the Draft, the webpage features a Draft Plan Feedback Form where members of the public will be able to submit their comments until the end of November. Comments will be incorporated into the Final Plans in December.
Interested in supporting “human-powered” modes of transportation like walking, biking, and mobility devices? Want to leave your input on potential infrastructure projects and help identify supportive policies?
Check out the link above to review the draft plans and provide feedback for Sebastopol!