Woodmark Apartments, 7716/7760 Bodega Ave
- Planning
- Design
- Construction
- Completion
The Woodmark apartments were built with Federal funding for developing farmworker housing (households which include a domestic tenant or co-tenant farm laborer, a retired domestic farm laborer, or a disabled domestic farm laborer) and were required to follow Federal guidelines on all matters related to filling the vacant units. The City is aware that the Site operator had difficulty verifying qualifications of applicants. One challenge was income verification given that many farm worker applicants are paid in cash. The Site operator needs to either work with employers to provide better income verification documentation or identify other solutions.
The City has neither the authority nor a formal role in how the units are filled. State and Federal Housing law set the criteria for those decisions. However, what we can do – and have been doing – is to assist the developers in advertising the units. We have been working with Lauren Alexander, who is the project manager for the site developer and operator, The Pacific Companies (TPC). lauren@thearmonyco.com
As to the original project review process ― we had a very limited role in it. The project was built under state requirements intended to accelerate the building of affordable housing (SB35/Housing Accountability Act). State law took away our discretion. The project was processed as a “ministerial” application; no Design Board, Planning Commission, or City Council review was allowed. The City could only require a building permit.
The City adopted Objective Design Standards (ODS) in December of 2023. Since those standards had not been adopted when the Woodmark application was submitted, they could not be applied to that project. However, all future housing projects, including SB 35 projects, will be required to comply with these adopted ODS. The City’s ODS regulate the design of projects like Woodmark, such as by governing building style, height, density, and setbacks. The ODS do not regulate how tenants are selected. For further information on the ODS we have linked the criteria, here: Objective Design Standards
Mayor Zollman is working with our Latinx leaders to make sure that they know about these openings, and he encourages everyone to do the same with their contacts.
Residents may contact their Federal or State representatives to express their concerns:
- Representative Jared Huffman at: https://huffman.house.gov/contact/email-me
- Senator Laphonza Butler at: https://contactrepresentatives.org/california/laphonza-r-butler
- Senator Alex Padilla at: https://www.padilla.senate.gov/contact/contact-form/
- Assemblymember Chris Rogers: https://a02.asmdc.org/contact
- State Senator Mike McGuire: https://sd02.senate.ca.gov/contact
Applicant website for rental inquiries: The Woodmark – The Pacific Companies (tpchousing.com) – Contact: (707) 232-4139 or woodmark@apertopm.com
Jan. 27, 2025: All 48 units are rented and are currently occupied. Our understanding is that they are able to take waiting list applications. In light of reporting that the units in the project have generally not been rented to farmworkers, here is an update from the City Attorney:
The Housing Accountability Act prohibits the City from rejecting a proposed housing development, or approving it at a smaller size, if the proposed project complies with the City’s applicable adopted development standards. If a project includes certain amounts of affordable housing, the State Density Bonus law gives the project the right to waive compliance with some of the City’s development standards. In addition to these laws, the Waymark project was proposed pursuant to SB 35, a state law that requires the City to ministerially approve projects that comply with adopted standards and contain certain levels of affordable housing. This means the City could not hold any public hearings on the project, or have it reviewed by the City Council or Design Review Board.
The fact that the Woodmark project was proposed as farmworker housing was not relevant for the purposes of City review of the project. What mattered was that the units in the project were reserved for low-income households. Accordingly, the fact that Woodmark is not being occupied by farmworker households does not mean it violated any of its approvals from the City, since the units in Woodmark are still being rented to low-income households, just not to low-income households that include farmworkers. The City would have had to process the project application in the exact same manner (without discretion to deny the project), if the project had been originally proposed without farmworker housing. The requirement for Woodmark to contain farmworker housing is based on funding the project received from the United Stated Department of Agriculture, not the City.
Similarly, Woodmark is exempt from property taxation because its units are restricted to households with an income of no greater than 80% of the Area Median Income. Whether or not the units are rented to farmworker households does not change whether or not the project is subject to property taxation.
Current Site Activities
- The applicant intends to phase the project, and has submitted grading and building permit applications for Phase 1. (48 units, south side and central site buildings) Applicant’s phasing plan for what is included in Phase 1.
The updated Traffic Study has been submitted and reviewed as part of the follow-up requirements. The Study includes updating the traffic counts. The study also proposed revising the project to have an internal ‘stop sign’ for residents leaving Woodmark (north of the shared driveway) instead of at the exit to Bear Meadows.
The City has reviewed the study and accepted the analysis, which would require pedestrian improvements across Bodega (a rapid flashing beacon). Following are conclusions of the analysis:
- The updated traffic and queuing analysis shows the impact to the neighboring Bear Meadows development will not be significant. No changes to the eastern access configuration are needed.
- The updated signal warrant analysis shows that the intersection of Bodega Avenue & Robinson Road does not meet the minimum volume warrant thresholds for a traffic signal.
- To improve pedestrian safety crossing Bodega Avenue at Robinson Road, a RRFB crossings are recommended as the most appropriate intersection improvement.