“The Canopy” 1009-1011 Gravenstein Highway North
- Planning
- Design
- Construction
- Completion
The City Ventures proposing to build a new residential development consisting of 80 town home style condominiums called “The Canopy”. The combined site is 6.1 acres of undeveloped land currently zoned ‘Office/Light Industrial’. The 80 residences are proposed to be solar all-electric, three-story townhome-style condominiums, with the potential for ±16 ADA accessible accessory dwelling units (ADUs). The homes would range from two to four bedrooms and including rental opportunities by providing options for accessible ground floor ADUs. Select homes would have the option for personal elevators and would provide additional ADA accessibility. The proposed amenities include gardens, active and passive seating areas, children’s play areas, and an area of repose – a meditation hammock garden – would be designed around the existing and proposed urban forests. Applicant is also proposing to construct a new, enhanced 6-foot-wide pedestrian pathway to connect the West County Trail out to Gravenstein Highway on the south border of the site. A bicycle repair station has been also proposed at the connection point of the pathway to the Trail.
Project Plans
July 19, 2023
Scoping session meeting
The City of Sebastopol will be the Lead Agency and will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Conditional Use Permit, Standard Subdivision Vesting Tentative Map, and State Density Bonus Law Waiver for development of The Canopy Residential Project. The 6.1-acre project site is located at 1009-1011 Gravenstein Highway North zoned Office/ Light Industrial (OLM) which permits residential density of 12.1-25 units per acres as a secondary use to office/light industrial uses. The project is proposed by City Ventures and would consist of the construction of 80 townhome style condominiums and up to 16 Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accessible accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
This Notice of Preperation (NOP) is available for public review and comment pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15082(b). The 30-day public comment period during which the City of Sebastopol will receive comments on the NOP for the EIR begins July 6, 2023 and ends August 7, 2023.
The City of Sebastopol, in its role as Lead Agency, will hold a public scoping meeting to provide an opportunity for the public and representatives of public agencies to provide input regarding the scope of the Environmental Impact Report. The Scoping Meeting is scheduled for July 18th, 2023, 3:00 pm on Zoom and at the Sebastopol Community Center at 425 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA (Youth Annex Building).
This project underwent preliminary review meetings in 2019. Materials from these meetings is below:
City Ventures – Community Open House Flyer
Design Review Board/Tree Board Preliminary Review – Staff Report, Meeting Minutes
Planning Commission Preliminary Review – Staff Report, Meeting Minutes, Public comments
December 7, 2023
Draft Environmental Impact Report Available for Public Comment
The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) is Available for Public Comment December 7, 2023 until January 23, 2024. The Draft EIR can be downloaded at the link below. A public hearing on the Draft EIR will be held at the Planning Commission’s regular meeting, January 9, 2024 at 6 pm, at the Sebastopol Youth Annex, 425 Morris St, Sebastopol CA.
The City of Sebastopol, as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for the Canopy Residential project (the “project”) (SCH #2023070072). In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Sections 15086 and 15087, the City has issued this Notice of Availability (NOA) to provide responsible agencies, trustee agencies, and other interested parties with information describing the proposed project and its potential environmental effects as determined in the Draft EIR. Public comment on this document is invited for a 45-day period extending from December 7, 2023 to January 22, 2024. Additional information is provided below.
The City of Sebastopol Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to provide an opportunity for the public and representatives of public agencies to provide input regarding the Draft EIR. The Planning Commission public hearing is scheduled for January 9, 2024, 6:00 pm on Zoom and at the Sebastopol Community Center at 425 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA (Youth Annex Building).
The link to the Zoom meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87215443869?pwd=WlRTVE1ScWVuV3RkZTFQZ0lkTnJ6dz09
The link to the City’s Planning Commission is: Planning Commission Meeting January 9th, 2024 – City of Sebastopol, California
March 12, 2024
Final Environmental Impact Report available for public review
The City of Sebastopol distributed a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of the Program EIR for a 30-day agency and public review period commencing July 6, 2023 to August 7, 2023. In addition, the City held a virtual Scoping Meeting on July 18, 2023. The meeting, held at 3:00 PM, was aimed at providing information about the proposed project to members of public agencies, interested stakeholders and residents/community members. The meeting was held at Sebastopol Community Center at 425 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA and online via Zoom. The City received letters from two agencies in response to the NOP during the public review period, as well as various verbal comments during the EIR Scoping Meeting.
The Draft EIR was made available for public review for a 48-day public review period that began on December 7, 2023 and ended on January 24, 2024. The Notice of Availability of a Draft EIR was posted with the County Clerk, sent to the State Clearinghouse, mailed to local and state agencies, published in the newspaper, and emailed to interested parties. In addition, the Planning Commission received verbal comments on the Draft EIR during the public meeting held on January 23, 2024.
The Final EIR with response to these comments and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) is now available for public review HERE
The Planning Commission will hold a public meeting, deliberate and adopt the proposed resolutions at their March 12, 2024 meeting. Meeting details can be found HERE
April 2, 2024
City Council Meeting
The City Council adopted a resolution certifying the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and adopted a resolution approving the entitlements for the Conditional Use Permit, Vesting Tentative map for a two-lot subdivision with 80 condominium units and common areas, and Density Bonus for increased building height.
The link to the livestreamed meeting is: https://livestream.com/accounts/14608643/events/10961273/videos/243185566
Attachment 1 – Resolutions & Exhibits
Attachment 2 – Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report
Attachment 3 – Application Materials and Planning Commission Resolutions
Attachment 4 – Staff & Applicant Presentations and Public Comments
May 28, 2024
Design Review Board Meeting
The Design Review Board held a public hearing on April 23rd, 2024, to review the proposed project design and tree removals. On May 28th, 2024, the Design Review Board approved the project with conditions.