City News

PG&E Performing Work to Enhance Safety and Reliability of Natural Gas System

February 9, 2024, City News

PG&E will be replacing equipment on our natural gas system in Sebastopol. This work will help enhance natural gas safety and reliability for our community.

The work will take place near Murphy Avenue, Brittain Avenue, Dutton Avenue, Huntley Street, Florence Avenue, Neva Street and Jesse Street in Sebastopol. Letters were mailed in January to the community surrounding the work areas. We expect work to start February 12th and continue through May. Weather and other factors that affect safe working conditions may change the schedule.

Potential traffic impacts

PG&E will post “No Parking” signs at least 72 hours before they begin work. Crews will route traffic around work areas if needed. Driveway access may be affected, but access can be provided upon request. Please plan for minor delays if work is being done outside your home or business.

Your local contact if you have questions

For questions regarding this project, please contact your local Customer Outreach Specialist, Heather Rowe, at 707-615-2450 during normal business hours or email Thank you for your patience and cooperation while PG&E works to enhance natural gas pipeline safety and reliability in Sebastopol.

See the PG&E Gas Main Replacement Letter for more info.

Editors Note: Apologies for the poor quality of the map.
