Doing Business With The City

Community Outreach & Engagement for Fire Service Consolidation RFP

Request for Proposals for Community Outreach and Engagement Consulting for City of Sebastopol Fire Department and Gold Ridge Fire Protection District Reorganization 

The City of Sebastopol and Gold Ridge Fire Protection District (“City”) are seeking proposals from qualified consultants to provide a comprehensive community outreach and engagement program on the Proposed Reorganization of Fire Services. 

Proposals must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on January 30, 2025, via email at the following address: 

Finance RFP

Professional Auditing Services

The City of Sebastopol (hereinafter referred to as “the City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants (hereinafter referred to as “the Firm”) for a three (3) year contract to prepare and audit its financial statements for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025, 2026 and 2027.

All responses must be sent to:

Ana Kwong
Administrative Services Department
7120 Bodega Ave
Sebastopol, CA 95472 

Planning RFPs


(Funded by Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Grant)

The City of Sebastopol is soliciting proposals for the ‘Sebastopol Main Street Planning and Redesign Project’ and partnering with Caltrans, the County of Sonoma, Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA), and the City of Santa Rosa to explore potential improvements to the roadways outside city limits that complement recommended projects Downtown.

The City was seeking proposals with the intention of securing a contract with a Professional Consultant who will provide planning and traffic engineering services as well as perform all work required for the project.

To find out more information, view the document below.

Updated Deadline: January 22nd, 2024, at 5PM (PST).



The City has been exploring the possibility of forming an Enhanced infrastructure Financing District (“EIFD”) to pay for qualifying infrastructure projects that provide benefits to the greater community. Sonoma County is partnering with the City in this endeavor, and is providing financial support for the activities described in this RFP. The City and County share the goal of financing capital facilities or other specified projects of community-wide significance that provide benefits to the area within the EIFD’s boundaries or the surrounding community.

The City and County are now seeking qualified professionals to assist the parties in evaluating a potential EIFD, including conducting necessary financial and economic analysis to determine the feasibility of a potential EIFD to pay for qualifying infrastructure projects. If the City and County determine that forming an EIFD is prudent and feasible, the Parties may also seek professional assistance on certain actions related to formation of the EIFD.

The City and County are interested in exploring different potential boundaries for the EIFD. Any potential EIFD would include the City of Sebastopol, as well as certain unincorporated areas of Sonoma County’s 5th Supervisorial District. The 5th District encompasses the west county, including the entire Sonoma County coast, and the lower Russian River area. The infrastructure projects to be funded by the EIFD will likely differ depending on the boundaries of the EIFD.


To find out more information, view the document below.

Proposals must be sent to:

Deadline: May 9 2024, at 5PM (PST).
