Housing & Homelessness

Housing Resources

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)

ADU Calculator Can Help Homeowners Estimate Costs and Benefits of Building an ADU

The City of Sebastopol is partnering with local cities and the Counties of Sonoma and Napa to develop a regional Accessory Dwelling Unit Calculator to encourage our constituents to build accessory dwelling units (ADUs). This online tool helps individuals estimate the costs, returns, and benefits associated with building an ADU.

The Sonoma/Napa calculator is based on San Mateo County’s Second Unit Calculator, and was developed by Baird + Driskell Community Planning with funding from ABAG/MTC, the California Department of Housing and Community Development, Community Foundation Sonoma County, and Napa Valley Community Foundation.

Try the Sonoma/Napa Accessory Dwelling Unit Calculator (Note: Calculator works in Firefox and Chrome)

If your property does meet the requirements for an ADU, enter your specific information into the calculator to get an estimate of what it would cost.

Want to learn more about ADU’s and JADU’s?

Check out The City of Sebastopol’s ‘Guide for Accessory Dwelling Units, Junior ADUs, and Home Rental Regulations‘ for more information.

Homeless Services

Homeless Services

The City partners with West County Community Services and Sonoma County to provide outreach and assistance to unhoused persons and tenant resources.

The Sebastopol Homeless Outreach Coordinator, Christian Reyes, may be reached via email or phone at