City News

Fire Service Reorganization

February 3, 2025, City News

At the February 4 meeting, the Sebastopol City Council will discuss taking next steps to merge the Sebastopol Fire Department with Gold Ridge Fire Services.

The Fire Ad Hoc Committee recommends reorganization as it will deliver improved services at about $1 million less per year than retaining an independent Fire Department. Reorganization will improve emergency response for Sebastopol. It will also include robust fire prevention and weed abatement, accredited training for firefighters and volunteers, and a deep level of support services to include planned apparatus replacement, dedicated facilities maintenance or remodel, and enhanced fire district administration. 

Either a reorganized or stand-alone model requires an additional parcel tax of about $265/year for the typical single-family home to be financially viable. The actual amount may vary depending on factors such as the number of structures on a property. In reorganization, the Fire District’s existing parcel taxes would be applied to the parcels in the City. A standalone City department would have to ask the voters to approve similar supplemental taxes. 

The public will have the opportunity to comment at the February 4th meeting as well as during a 50-day public protest period held by LAFCO (Local Agency Formation Commission) should the Council approve the recommended action.

Agenda Item 7 – Recommendation on City of Sebastopol Fire Service Reorganization to the Gold Ridge
Fire District

City of Sebastopol Presentation Feb. 4 Fire Reorganization 1.28.25
