Fire Reorganization

Sebastopol City Council Approved Final Steps to Merge with Gold Ridge Fire District to Provide Better Fire Services for our Community with 24/7 Staffing

On February 4, 2025, the Sebastopol City Council gave their final approval to transfer the responsibility for fire and emergency services within the City to the Gold Ridge Fire District. This change should happen around July 1, 2025, subject to conditions noted in the FAQs.


After many years of discussion and careful analysis, the City of Sebastopol and Gold Ridge Fire Protection District have taken the steps to enhance fire protection and emergency medical response within the City, through the reorganization process.

Sebastopol is pursuing a reorganization with Gold Ridge to provide better fire protection and emergency response while managing costs. Rising calls for emergency services – up 16% since 2019 – have stretched the Sebastopol department’s volunteer model. The reorganization is designed to deliver substantially improved services.

The reorganization will also allow for additional resources to anticipate needs in the City, and plan for threats such as wildfires and other natural disasters. It will require extending Gold Ridge’s existing parcel taxes to properties in Sebastopol. These taxes will total approximately $265 per year for a typical single-family home and could vary based on the number of structures on the property. Please see a detailed explanation of these and other issues regarding the reorganization in our FAQs.

You Are Invited: Community Town Hall Meetings

April 2: 5:30 PM

Sebastopol Community Cultural Center

390 Morris St, Sebastopol, CA 95472

April 23: 5:30 PM

Online via Zoom

Register Here

Why is the Sebastopol Fire Department merging with the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District?
What will change at the Sebastopol Fire Station?
Will Sebastopol firefighters be able to keep their jobs?
How does merging the Sebastopol Fire Department with the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District save money?
How is the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District governed? How can Sebastopol residents participate?
What are the next steps in the merger between the Sebastopol Fire Department and the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District?
How does the Gold Ridge tax work?
Why is Sebastopol Considering Reorganizing its Fire Department with Gold Ridge Fire Protection District?
How Will Fire and Emergency Services Change with the Proposed Reorganization?
What Will Happen to Current Sebastopol Firefighters After the Merger?
What Improvements Will be Made to Sebastopol’s Fire Station & Assets?
How Will Gold Ridge Services be Funded? What Will it Cost Sebastopol Residents?
How Is the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District Governed? How Can Sebastopol Residents Have a Say in The Policies And Management Of Their Services?
What Are the Next Steps?