PG&E Outage Map

Will I be notified in advance of a PSPS?

Will I be notified in advance of a PSPS?

January 13, 2023

PG&E says that it will notify impacted customers of a PSPS at 48 hours, 24 hours, and just prior to shutting off power through automated calls, texts and emails, reaching you through the information associated with your PG&E account. Make sure that PG&E has your correct email address, landline number and mobile number. If your landlord or property manager is the PG&E account holder for your address, they will receive notifications on your behalf. PG&E encourages you to contact them to confirm they know how to reach you. Find information on how to update your PG&E contact preferences here.

PG&E says that they will make regular updates through their Facebook and Twitter pages, local news, radio, and at

The City of Sebastopol will make every effort to keep citizens notified before and during a PSPS via its social media outlets. Follow us on FacebookTwitter,  and/or NextDoor.
