City News
Engineering Projects Update
February 6, 2023, City News

Engineering Projects Update
- The Bodega Avenue Digouts and Repairs project is rescheduled to start in late March when better weather and ground conditions allow. The construction work will affect traffic on Bodega Avenue between High Street and Nelson Way for about a week.
- The Bodega Avenue Bike Lanes and Rehabilitation Phase 1 project will be advertised for bid in late February 2023 with construction work anticipated to start in May 2023. Phase 1 segment is from High Street to Robinson Road.
- The Parquet Street Water and Sewer Replacement and Slurry Seal project, including a small portion of Calder Ave., will be advertised for bid in February with construction work anticipated to start in May 2023.
- The Parklets Program Guidelines is being drafted with focused meetings with the business community and the Design Guidelines subcommittee having already occurred by early February. A second focused meeting with the Design Guidelines subcommittee will occur in late February. The public will have an opportunity to review and comment on the draft guidelines at a Planning Commission meeting, tentatively scheduled for March 14, and then again at a City Council meeting, tentatively scheduled for April 4.
- The Ives Park Pathway Replacement Project will be advertised for bid later this month with construction work anticipated to occur this spring. The pathway being replaced is the segment that runs from the southwest picnic area, along Calder Creek, to the restroom facility in Ives Park. Ives Park pathway improvement plans
- A project to install ADA curb ramps along State Route 116 will be advertised for bids during the month of February. The project also includes pedestrian safety improvements at the Bodega Avenue/Florence Avenue intersection and the Bodega Avenue/Robinson Road intersection. The construction work is anticipated to start this spring.
- A project to reduce flows to the Zimpher Creek sewer main will be bid in late February with construction work anticipated to start in spring. The work consists of approximately 250 feet of new 8-inch sewer main from Covert Avenue to Healdsburg Avenue. This work will benefit the Zimpher Creek sewer main and avoid potential sewer overflows to the creek and surrounding area.