Elections & Voting

The City Clerk is the City of Sebastopol office that assists in the holding of elections in the City. The City Clerk does not act in the capacity of assisting any candidate or proponent of a specific issue other than to assist candidates and proposition sponsors to properly file and manage their election-related documentation. The City Clerk does not act as an arbiter, referee, or judge concerning disputes or issues related to any campaigns or the election itself.
The Sonoma County Registrar of Voters is responsible for the operation of all elections in the County. The California Fair Political Practices Commission enforces the rules and regulations concerning the election of potential candidates.
General Municipal Elections are conducted every even-numbered year and are consolidated with the State General Election held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November.
City Council
Stephen Zollman
Term expires December 2026
Jill McLewis
Term expires December 2026
Phill Carter
Term expires December 2028
Neysa Hinton
Term expires December 2028
Sandra Maurer
Term expires December 2026
Campaign Documents
Pursuant to Government Code Section § 84615 Campaign Reports and Statements – Electronic Filing for Local Agencies, the City of Sebastopol is pleased to offer Campaign Disclosure Statements available via the web, free of charge via eRetrieval™. You can access the City’s Campaign Statements electronically, 24/7, from the comfort of your desktop or mobile device!