Public Works


The Public Works Department is responsible for operation and maintenance of the City infrastructure, including the water and sewer systems, industrial waste system, streets, parks, swimming pool, parking lots and government buildings. Public Works also provides inspection of private and public construction projects on public streets and properties, and supervises City Engineering Services.

Deferred maintenance in both infrastructure and equipment due to past years’ budget constraints is beginning to take its toll. The City is fortunate to have funds available this year to fund a number of capital projects which will address deterioration we have experienced in our parks, sewer and water systems. These projects are listed in the Capital Improvement Plan.

In addition, staff hopes to begin to address our need for improved street maintenance and equipment replacement in the coming fiscal year. The Public Works Department Three Year Operational Plan covers our proposal in detail. 




How is the data retrieved if the signal is low or non-existent?
What is a cellular water meter system and how does it work?
Since Sebastopol is on a well and the city sells a lot of the water to outsiders, this is what I am told. Why don’t you stop selling the water so we don’t have to cut back so much and create a back up plan with the water for Sebastopol?
How many City of Sebastopol employees will lose jobs due to automation?
Why don’t you use city employees?

Department Staff

Mark Rincón-Ibarra

Director of Public Works/City Engineer

TEL: (707) 823-5331
FAX: (707) 823-4721

Erik Billing

Assistant Public Works Superintendent


Management Analyst