City News
Council Members Gurney, Glass and Slayter Retire
December 9, 2022, City News

After some 38 years of combined public service to the community, December 6 marked the last meeting as City Council members for three longtime Sebastopol public servants. Sarah Glade Gurney retires after 18 years on the council and 4 terms as mayor, outgoing Mayor Patrick Slayter retires after 12 years on the council and 4 terms as mayor, and Una Glass retires after 8 years on the council and 2 terms as mayor.
Outgoing comments by the council members, who thanked the community, their colleagues, city staff, family and friends, may be seen on the recording of the meeting beginning at the 27-minute mark.
Sonoma County District 5 Supervisor Lynda Hopkins expressed gratitude to the three and praised them not only as colleagues, but as mentors and friends who bring humanity and thought to their office and have always tried to do right by the community no matter the pressures.
District Director Leo Chyi presented a gold resolution from the Board of Supervisors to each outgoing council member honoring and acknowledging them for their years of exemplary public service to the people of Sebastopol and recognizing them for providing stable and responsible governance during their tenures.