City News
City Of Sebastopol and Sebastopol Rotary Clubs Collaborate to Replace Fence Around Libby Park Duck Pond
October 21, 2024, City News

The City of Sebastopol, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Sebastopol and Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise, is upgrading the fencing around the Libby Park duck pond. The fence, which separates the park’s walkway from its pond, is failing at many points, causing an unacceptable hazard to park users.
After considering community concerns about permanently removing fencing in 2022, the city looked at the feasibility of various options given available budget and current building codes. Redwood and hog wire materials provided by the city were chosen to reflect the aesthetics of the park while creating safety for visitors. Sebastopol’s Public Works Department, led by Superintendent Dante Del Prete, reached out to the clubs to help with the project. The city is facing a tight budget, and while it was prepared to provide materials and removal of the old fencing, it hoped volunteers could do the work of building the new one. The clubs, which have a long history of helping with this kind of project, quickly agreed.
On October 9, Sebastopol Public Works started removing the first section of the old fence. Rotary members generously volunteered their time to build the new fence, and installation of the first section started on October 12th under the skillful direction of Jim Pacatte. Jim, a 2022 Locals Who Make A Difference honoree, has participated in several community projects using his construction and contracting skills to the benefit and betterment of Sebastopol.
The President of the noon club, Cindy Carter, commented, “Both Rotary clubs have a tradition of building and re-building vital parts of our town’s infrastructure. This project is in that tradition. We invite community members, as well as our fellow Rotarians, to sign up. It will be an opportunity to make friends and enjoy the time working together.”
The clubs and volunteers gather each Saturday at 9am for coffee and doughnuts and then get down to work for the next several hours. The project, expected to wrap up by mid-November, will likely be finished earlier as the volunteers are making good progress.
UPDATE: The duck pond fencing was completed on Saturday, October 26th.
*Images courtesy of Tom Boag of Sebastopol Rotary