City News
City Council Approves Resolution Affirming Support for Ukraine Sister City and Whole of Ukraine
March 2, 2022, City News

At the March 1st City Council Meeting, the City Council approved the Resolution Affirming Support for our Sister City Ukraine and the Whole of Ukraine.
The City of Sebastopol affirms our support for our Sister City, Chyhyryn, Ukraine, and the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The City of Sebastopol has been Sister Cities with the City of Chyhyryn, Ukraine since 1993; and, the Cities of Sebastopol and Chyhyryn have developed deep and meaningful bonds of friendship through cultural exchanges of people of all ages; Sebastopol and Chyhyryn residents staying in each other’s homes and sharing each other’s lives.
The Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Sebastopol, condemn the violation of Ukraine’s sovereign nation borders, independence and territorial integrity, and oppose the unnecessary and tragic loss of life this unprovoked armed conflict has caused, and affirm our support for our Sister City, Chyhyryn, Ukraine, and the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Read the full Resolution HERE.