Budget Committee


Once a year, the City Council approves a budget that outlines the policies and fiscal actions to be taken by the City.  The Budget Committee is a standing committee that reviews the proposed operating and capital budget each fiscal year and makes a recommendation on the budget to the City Council for final enactment. The budget process is structured each year to achieve the fiscal and policy goals for the upcoming fiscal year as well as periodically review and provide policy guidance to staff related to budgetary analysis and fiscal action plans and provide reports to the City Council for review and or action.

This committee shall consider and make recommendations to the Council on matters relating to:

  • Revenues
  • Expenditures
  • Capital Improvement projects
  • Fiscal Planning and Policies;
  • Taxes and Fees;
  • Investment Policy;
  • Debt; and
  • Such related fiscal issues as may be referred to it by the Council.


The Budget Committee shall consist of the following:

  • Two Councilmembers appointed by the City Council through Council Committee Assignments
  • City Manager
  • Assistant City Manager/City Clerk
  • Administrative Services Director


Whether or not a regular meeting schedule is adopted, an agenda shall be posted for each

standing committee meeting not later than 72 hours before any meeting.


Public involvement shall be encouraged in the annual budget decision-making process through Standing Committee meetings, public hearings, public outreach, and the dissemination of accessible information. Public participation efforts will allow the City to improve performance by identifying public needs, priorities and service delivery expectations. Increased public involvement will allow the City to be more responsive to community needs, thereby increasing the value that the public receives from City government.


Members of the Council who are not members of a standing committee may attend any open and noticed meeting of a standing committee provided that they act only as observers. It is suggested that Members do not make any comments.


Standing Committee Councilmembers may request research from staff on new ideas to allow them to report back to the standing committee and if the standing committee supports the idea, the idea will be presented to City Council for direction or a vote.

BUDGET PROCESS:  The budgeting process has four parts. The budget is: 1) prepared, 2) approved, 3) adopted, and 4) executed. 

A fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30.  From February to June, every year, City staff, the Mayor and City Council work together to create a balanced budget by June 30, as required by law.

August 2032

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