Bicycles & Pedestrians

The City of Sebastopol has ambitious plans to improve bicycle facilities and has devoted considerable financial and staff resources towards that goal.
City of Sebastopol’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Amended November 2011
This Sebastopol Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan was developed as a component of the
Sonoma County Transportation Authority‘s (SCTA’s) 2008 Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian
Master Plan. While part of the Master Plan, the Sebastopol plan is also a stand-alone
document to be used by the City of Sebastopol to guide implementation of local projects and
programs and document city policy. It is also designed to be a component of the SCTA
Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan to improve coordination in realizing the
countywide bicycle and pedestrian system.
Caltrans District 4 (Bay Area) is updating their 2018 Bike Plan. The Bike Plan will identify opportunities to improve biking on and across the State Highway System. Click on the link below to find out more about the upcoming Caltrans Bike Plan and take a short survey on Caltrans-owned roadways.
Active Transportation Plan (ATP)
Active transportation refers to “human powered” modes of travel like walking, biking, or using mobility devices. Having an active transportation plan (ATP) enables changes to enhance the quality of people’s lives, allows for prioritized and coordinated improvements over time, aids in meeting eligibility requirements for grant funding, and guides public and private investment.
Check out the PDF below from the Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) to find out more about the ATP in our area.
Bicycle and Pedestrian – Sonoma County Transportation Authority (