City News
New Sculpture Installed at Joe Rodota Trail South Entry
December 5, 2024, City News
December 3rd, 2024, marks the day when the third sculpture of the City’s Public Arts Committee entrance project was installed. Koan which was created in 2009 by the late Bruce Johnson, and is described as a piece made “primarily of old-growth redwood salvaged from the Northern California coast”.
The art piece lies at the Joe Rodota trail entrance situated on Hwy 116, past The Feed Store, Inc. and the UPS facility adjacent to Petaluma Avenue. The sculpture is now available for public viewing and stay tuned for the opening event date that will be hosted by the Public Arts Committee, coming soon!

In the later half of 2023, the City of Sebastopol Public Arts Committee sought out proposals from California based artist & artist teams for public art suitable for placement at the south entrance of town for the all-inclusive budget of $25,000.00.
There was no set theme or medium, but emphasis was placed on durability, and a site-specific design that reflects the local community, and enhances the pedestrian environment.
On March 12th, 2024, three finalists out of twenty-eight submissions were chosen to further develop their proposal and discuss their artwork in an in-person presentation at the Sebastopol Regional Library and participate in a public survey. On May 14th, 2024, the Public Arts Committee reviewed the comments left by the community and narrowed down their Council recommendation to the late Bruce Johnson, a Sonoma-County based contemporary sculptor whose work can be found all over the US and internationally. The Council approved the recommendation at their September 3rd, 2024, public meeting and City Staff began preparing for the installation.
This $25,000 commissioned project is entirely funded by the City’s Art In-Lieu Fee Fund that is solely set aside for public artworks due to the value placed on public art and artistic expression which enriches communities and encourages cultural tourism. The Art In-Lieu fund is maintained by fees placed on developers equal to 1% of construction costs in lieu of installing public art onsite to fund the acquisition and placement of public art in the City. The funds cannot be used for any other purpose.
Entrance Project
The entrance project started in 2017 with the Ned Kahn’s Sebastopol Spire located at the East entrance of town, which was installed on September 19th, of this year.

The second West entrance project followed in 2018 with Michael McGinnis’ Gray Matters which is installed at the side of the Sebastopol Regional Library.