Sebastopol Free Organic Compost Giveaways 

Provided by Sebastopol Climate Action Committee, City of Sebastopol, Zero Waste Sonoma, and Napa Recycling

Upcoming Compost Events

March 29th, 2025

April 19th, 2025

The City of Sebastopol has procured certified organic compost for Sebastopol residents. The compost is available to residents for FREE at 425 Morris St. (behind the Community Center Youth Annex) up to ½ cubic yard of organic compost per household.

TIME: From 9am to 12pm until the pile is gone. (NO EARLY BIRD’S PLEASE!)

ADDRESS: 425 Morris Street, Sebastopol CA 95472

BRING: shovels, buckets or bags, tarps, gloves, pick-up truck, good spirits

People in need of loading help should let the onsite volunteers know they will need assistance.

If you’d like to help others shovel their compost to keep the line moving, your helping would be greatly appreciated!

Compost available while supplies last.

Please be prepared to wait your turn in line, with your car turned off to minimize hydrocarbon emissions.  Vehicles will be directed to the pile as places open up.

This event is coordinated by volunteers from the Sebastopol Climate Action Committee.

Check back later for spring compost giveaways and add your name to the Compost email list by emailing

Check out Zero Waste Sonoma for more compost giveaways and their free event calendar HERE !
