City News
UPDATE: Sebastopol Ad Hoc Fire Services Committee Town Hall CANCELLED
August 22, 2023, City News
Special City Council Meeting to be Scheduled
In order to facilitate full community and City Council participation, the Sebastopol Ad Hoc Fire Services Committee has cancelled the Fire Services Town Hall scheduled for Thursday, August 24. The Committee has determined that it would be more engaging and productive to hold a special City Council Meeting. Such a meeting would allow all Councilmembers, in addition to members of the public, to take part in any discussion and/or future direction or actions. The State of California Brown Act prohibits discussion or deliberation by a majority of any legislative body outside an officially noticed meeting accessible to all members of the public. A Town Hall does not meet all requirements for such a meeting and would not allow full Council participation.
The date for the special City Council Meeting, which will have only Fire Services on the agenda, will be announced in coming weeks.