Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP)

The City of Sebastopol adopted a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan on June 7, 2022, and received final approval from FEMA on July 15, 2022.   This plan assesses risks from natural, human health, and human-caused hazards and to identify ways to reduce those risks.

The final adopted LHMP, and approval documents, can be found below:
Final Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP)
City Council Resolution 2443-2022 adopting the LHMP
FEMA Approval Letter dated July 15, 2022

The planning process resulted in a comprehensive update to the City’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). The preparation of a LHMP is required under the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 as a prerequisite to be eligible to receive federal disaster assistance and funding. The plan is valid for 5 years before an update is required.

Most people who live and work in the City of Sebastopol are vulnerable to a wide range of natural hazards, including earthquakes, flooding, and wildfires. The community may be exposed to potential human-health hazards and human-caused hazards associated with hazardous material incidents. Climate change is also expected to intensify the impacts of natural hazards assessed in the plan. The LHMP provides the City with valuable tools to identify risks and mitigate hazards through future project-specific mitigation actions and climate adaptation strategies. 

The community was invited to provide feedback at two Public Workshops held in October 2020 as part of the public comment period of the draft LHMP (10/20/21-11/18/21).   The records of these meetings can be found below:

Meeting Videos:  October 26, 2021October 27, 2020 

Meeting Minutes: October 26, 2021, October 27, 2020

Questions regarding the LHMP process may be directed to the Building Department by calling 707-823-8597.  
